oefening 6

their = van hun
they're = zij zijn
there = daar

Vul ALLE gaten in, klik dan "Check" om je antwoorden te controleren.
Klik de "Hint" knop om je een letter te geven als je problemen hebt met een antwoord.
Let wel !! Je percentage zal wel naar beneden gaan als je de "Hint" knop gebruikt !!

   their      there      They're   
It's crap, not yours.
idea to teach people homonyms was wonderful.
stupid; they don't even know their homonyms.
It's good that reading this page though.
I can't believe cats are over .
aren't many four-leaf clovers.
dog is losing its hair.
When it is turn, they will bob for apples.
not going to the soccer game tonight.
Although happy right now, tomorrow will be a different story.
Let's go digital !